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Mar 7, 2025 – 1:58 pm

Commentary: How rich, how embracing and inviting, are the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s newly bruited plans for the 2025-26 season? I went through the detailed chronology of subscription programs to highlight a dozen. Then, after making some hard choices, I counted my picks. There were 20. Music director-designate Klaus Mäkelä will lead four programs and take the orchestra on an eastern tour. I’ve been reporting on orchestra seasons for half a century. I don’t recall a horizon more enticing than the CSO’s lineup for the season ahead.

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‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ lights the open sky with crisp mirth at American Players

Jul 29, 2013 – 10:12 pm
Buddies Valentine (Travis A. Knight) and Proteus (Marcus Truschinski) become rivals in love in The Two Gentlemen of Verona at APT 2013 (Zane Williams)

Review: Traditional criticism hasn’t been altogether kind to Shakespeare’s early comedy “The Two Gentlemen of Verona,” which is often portrayed as a workshop effort that set the stage for the Bard’s later, more sophisticated riffs on the madness of love. But this summer’s sharply drawn, energetic and sly production at American Players Theatre makes a savvy, satisfying case for a comedy worth catching. ★★★★

Chicago Shakespeare returns Bard to parks with merry madness of ‘Comedy of Errors’

Jul 27, 2013 – 11:45 am
Madcap physical comedy is essential to the mix in 'The Comedy of Errors,' now in the parks, produced by Chicago Shakespeare Theater. Credit Chuck Osgood

Preview: What could be funnier, or crazier, a more riotous lark than Chicago Shakespeare Theater’s touring production of the Bard’s “Taming of the Shrew” in parks across Chicago last summer? The answer well may be this summer’s CST encore: 26 free performances in 18 parks of Shakespeare’s madcap farce “The Comedy of Errors.”

As ‘Book of Mormon’ ends Chicago mission, tears of laughter run to Sal Tlay Ka Siti

Jul 15, 2013 – 2:35 pm
The Book of Mormon ChicagoANNE GAREFINO	SCOTT RUDINROGER BERLIND	SCOTT M. DELMAN	JEAN DOUMANIAN ROY FURMAN	IMPORTANT MUSICALS	STEPHANIE P. McCLELLAND KEVIN MORRIS	JON B. PLATT	SONIA FRIEDMAN PRODUCTIONSEXECUTIVE PRODUCER STUART THOMPSONPRESENTBOOK, MUSIC AND LYRICS BYTREY PARKER, ROBERT LOPEZ AND MATT STONEWITHNIC ROULEAU	BEN PLATT SYESHA MERCADO	PIERCE CASSEDY	JAMES VINCENT MEREDITHCHRISTOPHER SHYER	DAVID ARON DAMANE J. CASEY BARRETT	TALLIA BRINSON	ROB COLLETTI	PATRICE COVINGTON CAMILLE EANGA-SELENGE	JAKE EMMERLING	MIKE EVARISTE DONELL JAMES FOREMAN	BRADLEY D. GALE	ERIC GIANCOLA	DARIUS HARPER ERIC HUFFMAN	COREY HUMMERSTON	ERIC JACKSON	EMILY JENDA NICK LAUGHLIN	STEPHEN MARK LUKAS	PARIS ALEXANDER NESBITTMONICA L. PATTONSCENIC DESIGNSCOTT PASKHAIR DESIGNJOSH MARQUETTEDANCE MUSIC ARRANGEMENTSGLEN KELLYTOUR BOOKING AGENCYTHE BOOKING GROUP/ MEREDITH BLAIRJOHN PINTO JR.	JON-MICHAEL REESETRAVIS ROBERTSONSOUND DESIGNBRIAN RONANPRODUCTION STAGE MANAGERGLYNN DAVID TURNERASSOCIATE PRODUCERELI BUSHGENERAL MANAGEMENTSTP/DAVID TURNER12 PLAYBILLCESSALEE STOVALLCOSTUME DESIGNANN ROTHORCHESTRATIONSLARRY HOCHMAN & STEPHEN OREMUSMUSIC DIRECTORJOHN SAMORIANPRESS AND MARKETINGALLIED LIVEHARDY WEAVERLIGHTING DESIGNBRIAN MacDEVITT CASTINGCARRIE GARDNERMUSIC COORDINATORMICHAEL KELLERPRODUCTION MANAGEMENTAURORA PRODUCTIONSMUSIC SUPERVISION AND VOCAL ARRANGEMENTSSTEPHEN OREMUSCHOREOGRAPHED BYCASEY NICHOLAWDIRECTED BYCASEY NICHOLAW AND TREY PARKERcast(in order of appearance)Mormon.......................................................................................................................Hardy Weaver Moroni ...................................................................................................................... Pierce Cassedy Elder Price..................................................................................................................... Nic Rouleau Elder Cunningham ..............................................................................................................Ben Platt Missionary Voice.................................................................................................. Christopher Shyer Price?s Dad ........................................................................................................... Christopher Shyer Cunningham?s Dad................................................................................................... J. Casey Barrett Mrs. Brown ............................................................................................................Monica L. Patton Guards...................................................................................................Darius Harper, Eric Jackson Mafala ......................................................................................................... James Vincent Meredith Nabulungi................................................................................................................Syesha Mercado Elder McKinley ......................................................................................................... Pierce Cassedy Joseph Smith ........................................................................................................ Christopher Shyer General..............................................................................................................David Aron Damane Mission President................................................................................................. Christopher Shyer Ensemble..............................J. Casey Barrett, Tallia Brinson, Patrice Covington, Jake Emmerling,Mike Evariste, Donell James Foreman, Bradley D. Gale, Darius Harper, Eric Huffman, Corey Hummerston, Eric Jackson, Monica L. Patton, John Pinto Jr., Jon-Michael Reese, Cessalee Stovall, Hardy WeaverUnderstUdiesFor Elder Price: Bradley D. Gale For Elder Cunningham: Nick Laughlin For Mafala Hatimbi: Mike Evariste, Eric Jackson For Nabulungi: Tallia Brinson, Camille Eanga-Selenge For McKinley/Moroni: Eric Huffman, Hardy Weaver For Price?s Dad/Joseph Smith/ Missionary President/et al: J. Casey Barrett, Hardy Weaver For General: Mike Evariste, Eric JacksonStandby for Elder Price: STEPHEN MARK LUKAS Standby for Elder Cunningham: RoB CoLLETTIswingsCAMILLE EANGA-SELENGE, ERIC GIANCoLA, EMILy JENDA, NICK LAUGHLIN, PARIS ALExANDER NESBITT, TRAVIS RoBERTSoNDance Captain: Eric Giancola Assistant Dance Captain: Travis Robertson

Review: This you can believe: “The Book of Mormon,” Chicago’s sit-down production of the hit Broadway show that is totally outrageous and equally endearing, will end its run at Bank of America Theatre on Oct. 6 so that a national tour with the same cast can commence. Broadway in Chicago is already promising a return, after visits to Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other cities, but not until sometime in the 2014-15 season. ★★★★

‘Million Dollar Quartet’ poised to break record with 2,000th performance of a rockin’ night

Jul 11, 2013 – 12:11 pm
Lance-Lipinsky-as-Jerry-Lee-Lewis-with-the-cast-of-the-Million-Dollar-Quartet-at-Chicagos-Apollo-Theater feature sub

Preview: It will hardly come as news to anyone who has seen the show, possibly several times, but “Million Dollar Quartet” – recalling a chance jam session that brought together Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and Carl Perkins – has proved to be solid-gold entertainment. The Chicago show will see its 2,000th performance on July 11 at the Apollo Theater, which only extends “The Million Dollar Quartet’s” record as the longest-running Broadway show in Chicago theater history.

Lookingglass ‘Big Lake Big City’ means murder, lethal comedy on dark streets of Chicago

Jul 3, 2013 – 3:38 pm
Philip R. Smith, left, with Beth Lacke and Eddie Martinez in Big Lake Big City by Keith Huff at Lookingglass Theatre credit Liz Lauren

Review: Enter a hurled chair, pursued by a raging detective. Thus begins Chicago playwright Keith Huff’s rambunctious, violently funny police drama “Big Lake Big City,” a slice of Chicago’s underbelly examined from the viewpoint of a rough-cut cop who probably never met a suspect he didn’t punch or a woman he understood. “Big Lake Big City,” in its world-premiere run at Lookingglass Theatre, is slyly skewed, uproarious fun, a spider’s web of interlaced lives and cross-hatched deeds adding up to an open and shut case of sober insanity. ★★★★★

As Mary-Arrchie spins Williams’ ‘Menagerie,’ memory play is filtered through glass darkly

Jul 2, 2013 – 6:56 am
Hans Fleischmann directs Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie Mary-Arrchie Theatre at Theatre Wit credit Emily Schwartz

Review:;One of the delights of this 2013 Chicago summer is a gently revisionist production of Tennessee Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie” by Marie-Arrchie Theatre, conceived and directed by Hans Fleischmann, who also plays the role of Tom. After selling out last fall at Angel Island and transferring to Theater Wit in May, the show has extended its run to July 28. ★★★★★

Grant Park Chorus director Christopher Bell, newly lauded, cues troops for ‘War Requiem’

Jun 27, 2013 – 7:21 am
Grant Park Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Carlos Kalmar credit Patrick Pyszka

Preview: On a vigorous summer schedule for the Grant Park Chorus and its lately honored director, performances of Benjamin Britten’s monumental “War Requiem” June 28-29 pose the kind of challenges that choristers live for. “A piece of music has to weather the storms of time, and the ‘War Requiem’ has shown its staying power,” says Grant Park Chorus director Christopher Bell, who earlier this month received a lifetime achievement award at Chorus America’s annual convention in Seattle.

‘The Three Musketeers’ at Lifeline: Acrobatics meet melodrama in a one-for-all free-for-all

Jun 25, 2013 – 8:52 am
From left, Glenn Stanton, Chris Hainsworth, Christopher M. Walsh, Dwight Sora in The Three Musketeers at Lifeline credit Suzanne Plunkett

Review: If Alexandre Dumas’ historical novel “The Three Musketeers” is a romantic adventure of epic proportions, Lifeline Theatre’s adaptation for the stage is a busy amusement, a shrunken likeness that has its appealing features but falls well short of capturing either the bravura spirit or the inherent drama of the original. ★★

Kalmar, Grant Park Orchestra unveil exotic mix of classical traditions from the East and West

Jun 24, 2013 – 1:51 pm
Iris dévoilée" tryptich with Meng Meng, Yang Wei and Wu Yanyu at Grant Park Music Festival photo credit Norman Timonera

Something wonderful in music is going on at Millennium Park, where the promise of free classical music concerts on the lawn and picnic-friendly crowds might suggest an occasion for pops programming. But principal conductor Carlos Kalmar, to his extraordinary credit, has realized that a relaxed crowd is likely to be a receptive one, and Grant Park Orchestra’s musical nights offer discoveries such as “”Iris dévoilée,” an East meets West symphonic poem by the Chinese-French composer Qigang Chen.

Riccardo Muti turns spotlight on CSO Chorus with lustrous account of Verdi ‘Sacred Pieces’

Jun 22, 2013 – 3:52 pm

Review: Riccardo Muti, winding up his third season as music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra this weekend, led the orchestra and Chicago Symphony Chorus on a spiritual voyage Thursday night, from luminous Mozart and rapturous Vivaldi to a transcendental peak in Verdi’s glorious “Four Sacred Pieces.” Performances continue through Sunday. ★★★★★

American Players Theatre offers Shakespeare, Friel, Stoppard in a festival mix in the woods

Jun 14, 2013 – 11:40 pm
Colleen Madden in Molly Sweeney at American Players Theatre credit Zane Williams

Preview: What’s in a name? American Players Theatre, which has been filling summers with drama since 1980 in the woods of Spring Green, Wis., doesn’t trade on the Shakespeare brand. But in every aspect of making theater, from staging to vocal delivery to its choice of plays, this ambitious enterprise hews to the Bard as its reference point. In the 2013 mix of eight plays, which opens June 15, APT includes a typical infusion of Shakespeare, a stylistic sweep from “The Two Gentlemen of Verona” and “Hamlet” to “Antony and Cleopatra.”

Role Playing: Ora Jones had to find her way into Katherine’s frayed world in ‘Henry VIII’

Jun 11, 2013 – 3:05 pm
Ora Jones as Queen Katherine in Henry VIII at Chicago Shakespeare Theater credit Liz Lauren

Interview: Ora Jones, so assured and imposing as Queen Katherine in “Henry VIII” at Chicago Shakespeare Theater, was just as confident she had blown her audition for the part. And that wasn’t such a bad thing, she thought – because Katherine’s great speech in her trial scene, the very audition piece that Jones would come to deliver with authentic majesty, had left the actor essentially mystified.

Eight hot Chicago plays you should have seen come round again in Theater on the Lake fest

Jun 10, 2013 – 9:35 pm
There Is a Happiness That Morning Is produced by Theater Oobleck courtesy Chicago Park District

Preview: Theater director Halena Kays is exaggerating only slightly when she refers to the million plays you’d have to see if you hoped to catch every show in a Chicago season. That’s the beauty of Theater on the Lake, the summer reprise of eight top productions that opens June 12 with original casts reassembled. It’s a bonus round for theater-goers who simply ran out of nights.

Behind forbidden love in ‘West Side Story,’ clashing views of what’s right in America

Jun 9, 2013 – 9:15 pm
Airborne dancers in West Side Story courtesy Broadway in Chicago

Preview: The crux of conflict in the musical “West Side Story” may be the time-honored insanity of warring factions – the Sharks and the Jets in this case – but the play is also a portrait of cultural assimilation and clashing perspectives on what an immigrant group has to gain and what it risks losing. This American classic comes to the Oriental Theatre on June 11 in a version modeled on the latest Broadway production, even to the use of Spanish dialogue.

Muti and Chicago Symphony embrace spirit, time-stretching cosmos of ‘Divine’ Scriabin

Jun 7, 2013 – 6:59 pm

Review: There’s a hypnotic enchantment about Alexander Scriabin’s sprawling, sensual “Divine Poem,” and its magic worked at full pitch in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s luxurious performance with music director Riccardo Muti Friday afternoon at Orchestra Hall. ★★★★

Confused identities and a flair for mendacity spark comic romp in ‘The Liar’ at Writers’

Jun 6, 2013 – 6:47 am
Nate Burger, left, and LaShawn Banks in The Liar at Writers' Theatre credit Michael Brosilow

Review: Young, lusty, autobiographically creative Dorante embraces a simple code: The unimagined life is not worth living. From the tangled roots of that premise springs Pierre Corneille’s 1643 comedy “The Liar” – revamped and translated for today’s English-speaking audiences by David Ives, and now brought to the stage with a farcical flourish at Writers’ Theatre. ★★★★

Stellar cast of Chicago jazz musicians tunes up for free summer concerts on museum terrace

Jun 3, 2013 – 8:14 am
Curtis Robinson Trio in the summer terrace jazz Tuesday credit Justin Wambold

Preview: When Chicago bassist Junius Paul opened the Museum of Contemporary Art’s outdoor jazz series Tuesdays on the Terrace last June, he met a new definition of hot jazz.“It was 100 degrees. It was sooo hot,” he recalls with a laugh. “But we still packed in a good crowd. It’s always good. People come from everywhere.” This year’s summer-long lineup of 17 concerts featuring Chicago jazz musicians, all free to Illinois residents, kicks off June 4 with trumpeter Corey Wilkes and friends. And while the jazz will cook, the air temperature should be nowhere near triple digits.

Role Playing: Kareem Bandealy tapped roots, hit books to form warlord in ‘Blood and Gifts’

Jun 1, 2013 – 10:31 pm
Kareem Bandealy

Interview: Our guy – the American – in J.T. Rogers’ play “Blood and Gifts,” about the United States’ clandestine effort to blunt the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s, is a CIA agent. We see the unfolding events through his eyes. But the character who elicits our sympathy and commands our imagination is an Afghan warlord called Abdullah Khan. He is made credible flesh and elusive spirit at TimeLine Theatre in a riveting performance by Kareem Bandealy, who says his portrait reflects both his own cultural heritage and the desperation that drives this unpredictable warrior.

Van Zweden, Chicago Symphony bring heat with torrid Bartók concerto, Mozart and Bates

Jun 1, 2013 – 12:01 pm
Jaap van Zweden, guest conductor, Chicago Symphony Orchestra 05-2013 credit Todd Rosenberg

Review: On the last day of May, full summer beckoning, Dutch conductor Jaap van Zweden led the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in a performance of fresh abundance, showcasing the virtuosity of the CSO musicians themselves in Béla Bartók’s Concerto for Orchestra, and also turning the spotlight on two youthful artists of distinction — composer Mason Bates and pianist David Fray. ★★★★

‘The Misanthrope’ at Court: Rants that rhyme keep laughs coming in crisp, modern Molière

May 30, 2013 – 5:16 pm
Erik Hellman with Grace Gealey in The Misanthrope at Court Theatre credit Michael Brosilow

Review: When Molière’s satiric play “The Misanthrope” first came to the stage in 1666, at the Théâtre du Palais-Royal in Paris, its mockery of society as duplicitous, self-aggrandizing and narcissistic must have had audiences teary-eyed with laughter. Just so is Court Theatre’s deliciously decadent new production LOL stuff. Indeed, director Charles Newell’s imaginative, sharply executed enterprise is simply not to be missed. ★★★★

Davis’ ‘The Chicago River’ is a natural tributary of Chicago Symphony’s diverse Rivers Festival

May 26, 2013 – 9:13 am
The excursion boat Theodore Roosevelt heads east under the State Street bridge in 1910 credit The Lost Panoramas by Richard Cahan and Michael Williams

Review: Each year in the late spring, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra embarks upon themed programs that seem to be as much about reaching deep into the community, and becoming energized by the community in turn, as they do about any particular theme itself. This year’s festival, called “Rivers,” features the world premiere of “The Chicago River” by Orbert Davis. Inspired by late-19th and early-20th century photographs of the elaborately engineered reversal of the river’s flow, it underscores the notion that a cultural landscape is indeed much like a river — alive, ever present and ever changing.

‘In the Company of Men’ at Profiles: The boys will have their vengeance; then love walks in

May 24, 2013 – 12:08 pm

Review: ★★★★

‘Henry VIII’ at Chicago Shakespeare: Depicting the king in kindly tint, as Elizabeth’s forebear

May 22, 2013 – 3:08 pm
As Cardinal Wolsey (Scott Jaeck) and Cardinal Campeius (David Darlow) look on, Queen Katherine (Ora Jones) pleads her case to King Henry VIII (Gregory Wooddell) in "Henry VIII" at Chicago Shakespeare Theater 2013 credit Liz Lauren

Review: ★★★★

‘Brighton Beach Memoirs’ at Raven: A young man’s fancy swings from baseball to – sex!

May 20, 2013 – 11:22 pm
Sophia Menendian, left, with Elizabeth Stenholt in Brighton Beach Memoirs credit Dean LaPrairie

Review: ★★★★

Australian drama troupe transcends handicaps with serio-comedy full of backstage laughter

May 19, 2013 – 6:12 pm
Brian Tilley as Ganesh in Ganesh Versus the Third Rech at Musem of Contemporary Art credit Jeff Busby

Review: If the title “Ganesh Versus the Third Reich” provokes more than the usual curiosity about fresh dramatic fare, the play itself — presented by the ensemble that created it, Australia’s Back to Back Theatre – leaves one hardly less perplexed upon emerging from the experience. “Ganesh” displays a singular aspect of beauty, even sweetness, until it takes a bitter turn and dissipates as if into a vacuum, into nothingness. ★★★

Sparked by belief in music’s healing power, Civitas lights up hospital and concert hall

May 18, 2013 – 4:35 pm
Civitas members Yuan-Qing Wu (violin), Kenneth Olsen (cello) and J. Lawrie Bloom (clarinet) with their favorite audience, hospitalized children (credit Civitas)

Concerts by the chamber music ensemble Civitas are as likely to take place at Lurie Children’s Hospital as they are on a concert stage, and perhaps that focus helps to explain the particular warmth and humor of the group’s programming sensibility. Its performances radiate joyful vigor, a happy blend of virtuosity and camaraderie. ““The last thing we want to be is stodgy,” says founder Yuan-Qing Yu.

Latvian Andris Nelsons follows James Levine as Boston Symphony Orchestra music director

May 16, 2013 – 1:02 pm
Andris Nelsons named music director, Boston Symphony Orchestra credit Marco Borggreve

Report: Latvian conductor Andris Nelsons was named Thursday as music director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Nelsons will become officially installed as the BSO’s 15th music director effective with the 2014-15 season, but meanwhile will act as music director-designate for the 2013-14 season.

Role Playing: Eva Barr explored two personas of Alzheimer’s victim to find center of ‘Alice’

May 15, 2013 – 3:24 pm
Actor Eva Barr

Interview: To watch Eva Barr play out the progressive, early-onset dementia of the woman at the center of “Still Alice” at Lookingglass Theatre is to forget you’re looking at the subtle, skillful work of an actor. Yet hardly less remarkable is the way Barr arrived at the role: She began, in first readings with playwright-director Christine Mary Dunford, by taking a different part, an alternate Alice – a separate character Dunford identifies simply as Herself.

‘Vera Stark’ aims a satiric lens at Hollywood stereotype of black film characters in 1930s

May 13, 2013 – 5:31 pm
Kara Zediker as Gloria Mitchell and Tamberla Perry as Vera Stark in By the Way, Meet Vera Stark by Lynn Nottage at Goodman Theatre credit Liz Lauren

Review: ★★

‘Blood and Gifts’ at TimeLine: Blood-soaked Afghanistan as pawn in U.S.-Russian faceoff

May 11, 2013 – 4:32 pm
Kareem Bandealy as Abdullah Kahn in Blood and Gifts at TimeLine Theatre credit Lara Goetsch

Review: ★★★★★