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Articles tagged with: Lucas Meachem

‘Les Troyens’ at Lyric Opera: An epic romance told in vibrant music (against a bleak setting)

Nov 15, 2016 – 3:29 pm

Review: Berlioz’s grandiose opera “Les Troyens” is a tale of two cities. The ambitious new production mounted by the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the company’s first presentation of this prodigiously demanding work, is an epic venture with two outcomes. Musically, it is resplendent, a huge success by a stellar cast under the leadership of Andrew Davis; conceptually, which is really to say visually, this “Troyens” – The Trojans — struggles to bear its own leaden weight. ★★★

Soprano Anna Netrebko steals hearts, show with luminous ‘Bohème’ debut at Lyric Opera

Mar 11, 2013 – 12:39 am
Anna Netrebko Lyric Opera Chicago debut La Boheme 2013 credit Dan Rest

Review: ★★★★