Articles tagged with: Heidi Stillman
Chicago theater mid-season preview, Part 3: Steppenwolf, Lookingglass, Chicago Shakes

Preview: The mid-winter is far from bleak under Chicago’s theater marquees. Steppenwolf offers Lucas Hnath’s “A Doll’s House, Part 2,” a sort of what-if sequel to Ibsen’s play. Lookingglass runs out the premiere of Kareem Bandealy’s ‘Act(s) of God,” a cosmic guess-who’s-coming-to-dinner. And Chicago Shakespeare revisits the Bard’s melancholy prince – ever perched on the existential fence between being and nothingness.
‘Bengal Tiger’ at Lookingglass: Man, beast change stripes, and God’s not in the details

Review: To be engulfed by the despair that sweeps over “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo” is to be reminded of the spiritual nausea that seized Jean-Paul Sartre and other French existentialist playwrights who watched their own world getting blown to pieces in the 1940s. Lookingglass Theatre and director Heidi Stillman have turned Rajiv Joseph’s play into one of the peak stage experiences of this season. ★★★★★
‘Cascabel’ flips theater on its head with cuisine, acrobatics and upside-down wine

High-wire fun at Lookingglass. 4 stars!