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Articles tagged with: Harold Pinter

‘Betrayal’ at Raven: In a threesome of friends, lovers, fidelity emerges as a relative concept

Nov 17, 2016 – 4:22 pm

Review: Harold Pinter’s play “Betrayal” begins at the end – beyond the end, actually. And from there, this gritty slant on the eternal triangle works its way backward through the embers, the blaze and the multifarious deceptions of an affair. The affair is a tangled, bruising mess; the telling of it, at Raven Theatre, is a thing of raw-boned beauty. ★★★★

Role Playing: Bill Norris pulled the seedy bum in ‘The Caretaker’ from a place within himself

Mar 13, 2012 – 4:56 pm
Bill Norris 550 featured image role playing

Interview: The scruffy creature with darting eyes who calls himself Davies looks like his last bed was a cardboard box on the street. He is the elusive but palpably real character at the core of Harold Pinter’s play “The Caretaker,” now on the boards at Writers’ Theatre, and he’s brought to wheedling, calculating life in a masterful piece of acting by Bill Norris.

In a claustrophobic space, Writers’ frames psychological chill of Pinter’s ‘Caretaker’

Nov 21, 2011 – 6:09 pm
Caretaker feature Jethmalani  Norris

Deliciously bizarre test of wits. 4 stars!