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Articles tagged with: “Doubt”

Theater 2014-15: Writers maps reduced season as company focuses on drama of new digs

Aug 18, 2014 – 11:16 pm
Jurgen Hooper and Marc Grapey in 'Isaac's Eye,' which opens the Writers Theatre 2014-15 season. (Saverio Truglia)

Sixth in a series of season previews: “We have a challenging year coming up,” says Writers Theatre artistic director Michael Halberstam. Yes, and an exciting one — on an electric scale. Writers, in case anyone has missed this, is building a $31 million new home on the site of the company’s former main stage in Glencoe. So the 2014-15 season will be miniaturized , with the main drama focused on the grand house that’s projected to have its grand opening in winter 2016.

Faith and human frailty prove volatile mixture in ATC pairing of ‘Doubt’ and ‘Agnes of God’

Oct 9, 2012 – 6:11 pm

Review: ★★★★ and ★★★

The New Season: Revised ‘Hair’ in the wings, ATC adds radio ‘Wizard’ to ‘Wonderful Life’

Aug 28, 2012 – 12:35 pm
Tin Man poster for Wizard of Oz by U.S. Lithograph Co., Russell-Morgan Print 1903 credit Library of Congress

Tenth in a series of season previews: Without a doubt, American Theater Co. has found wonderful life in the concept of repertory presentation of related plays. So for its 28th season, ATC will double down on the idea by pairing John Patrick Shanley’s “Doubt” with John Peilmeier’s “Agnes of God” and combining its traditional radio-play staging of “It’s a Wonderful Life” with “The Wizard of Oz.”