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Articles tagged with: Christine Binder

Is that a great white whale I see? No, mate, it’s Verne’s Nautilus, limping into Lookingglass

Jun 22, 2018 – 4:56 pm
feature 1 Liz Lauren

Review: After Lookingglass Theatre’s roundly imaginative and engaging 2015 production of Melville’s “Moby-Dick,” one might have expected Jules Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under the Seas” to fare no less well, indeed to fall right into the Lookingglass wheelhouse. Sorry, mates. The best thing to be said for this production, adapted by David Kersnar and Steve Pickering and directed by Kersnar, is that it finally gives us a proper translation of Verne’s original French title. It’s the saga of a road trip, as nefarious as it is long, under the seas. ★★

Oh, what a beautiful show: Lyric ‘Oklahoma!’ sweeps the plain with bounty of song, dance

May 6, 2013 – 1:33 pm
Ashley Brown as Laurey with John Cudia as Curly in Oklahoma at Lyric Opera of Chicago credit Dan Rest

Review: ★★★★★

Writers’ chilling edition of ‘The Letters’ paints grim picture of a boss’s friendly summons

Jan 17, 2013 – 6:14 pm
The Letters political thriller at Writers' Theatre Mark L. Montgomery as The Director and Kate Fry as Anna credit Michael Brosilow

Review: ★★★★