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Articles tagged with: Abigail Boucher

‘Betrayal’ at Raven: In a threesome of friends, lovers, fidelity emerges as a relative concept

Nov 17, 2016 – 4:22 pm

Review: Harold Pinter’s play “Betrayal” begins at the end – beyond the end, actually. And from there, this gritty slant on the eternal triangle works its way backward through the embers, the blaze and the multifarious deceptions of an affair. The affair is a tangled, bruising mess; the telling of it, at Raven Theatre, is a thing of raw-boned beauty. ★★★★

‘The Cryptogram’ at Profiles: Waiting up for Dad and absorbing a harsh message about life, lies

Oct 18, 2014 – 8:00 am
Michael Brosilow

Review: David Mamet’s eerie play “The Cryptogram” is the kind of stage experience that follows you home. Certainly in the wake of a hyper-intense account at Profiles Theatre directed Joe Jahraus, it continues to work on you, this brief, emotionally fraught and fractured tale of a little boy who’s so excited about a promised camping trip with his dad that he can’t sleep. For that matter, neither can his mother, or an old friend of the family who drops in. ★★★