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‘Water by the Spoonful’ at Court: Nearing abyss in grip of drug addiction, haunted conscience

Mar 19, 2014 – 10:37 pm
A latecomer (Daniel Cantor) to the online support group tends its fallen leader (Charin Alvarez) in 'Water by the Spoonful. (Michael Brosilow)

Review: “Elliot: A Soldier’s Fugue,” the first play in Quiara Alegría Hudes’ trilogy about the moral and psychological distress of a Marine back from duty in Iraq, almost captured the Pulitzer Prize for drama. The trilogy’s second installment, “Water by the Spoonful,” won the Pulitzer, and the merits that pushed it over the top are evident in every nuance, impulse, collision and aspiration of the current production at Court Theatre. ★★★★★