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Articles tagged with: Teatro Vista

Two Latino (or maybe it’s Hispanic) strangers discover common ground can shift in ‘Fade’

Nov 25, 2017 – 12:46 pm
Feature 1

Review: Up to a point, I was quite charmed by Tanya Saracho’s play “Fade,” about two Latinos in different circumstances whose lives intersect at a television production company. I was engaged and delighted by what was spinning out as an edgy comedy in this co-production by Victory Gardens Theater and Teatro Vista – until events took a sharp turn. And then I was seriously impressed. Shaken, actually. Review: ★★★★

Role Playing: Ramón Camín sees working-class values in Arthur Miller’s tragic Eddie Carbone

May 15, 2014 – 11:51 am
Feature 3

Interview: Some people will tell you Eddie Carbone, the Brooklyn longshoreman whose life disintegrates in Arthur Miller’s play “A View From the Bridge,” is the tragic victim of his attraction to the beautiful young niece who has grown up as his ward. But not actor Ramón Camín, who says he forged his gripping portrayal for Teatro Vista simply by taking Eddie as a man of his word.

Teatro Vista’s ‘A View From the Bridge’ frames tragedy of good man snared by nameless trap

Apr 26, 2014 – 11:32 pm
Eddie (Ramon Camin, left) gives Rodolpho (Tommy Rivera-Vega) a boxing lesson as the family watches. (Joel Maisonet)

Review: Great theater does not require introduction or advocacy. It announces and proclaims itself. It is, in other words, what it is. Behold the heart-breaking, thrilling greatness of Teatro Vista’s raw-boned take on Arthur Miller’s classic 1950s tragedy “A View From the Bridge,” the story of Eddie Carbone, a dock worker in Brooklyn’s Italian-American community scaping together a living even as he veers toward catastrophe. ★★★★★

‘Fish Men’ at Goodman: When chess hustlers bait their hooks, slippery truth snaps at the line

Apr 17, 2012 – 4:13 pm

Con game in the park. 3 stars.