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Articles tagged with: Michael Pogue

‘Electra’ at Court: As a bloody legend closes, mournful daughter pines for two more deaths

Dec 6, 2016 – 9:53 pm

Review: In Sophocles’ “Electra,” the classic Greek tragedy of vengeance, now starring Kate Fry in an earthy, understated take on the title role at Court Theatre, the waiting game is all. One day, Electra’s hatred for her murderous mother Clytemnestra will be requited; one day, her prince will come. But the prince Electra awaits is her own, long-absent brother Orestes, who surely will avenge the killing of their father, King Agamemnon, by this woman and her illicit, usurping consort. ★★★★

Role Playing: Sandra Marquez, as Clytemnestra, sees an exceptional woman in the Greek queen

Dec 5, 2015 – 8:30 am

Interview: What would she, this modern woman, have done in the place of a legendary queen who has been abandoned by her warring husband, a man who also has sacrificed their daughter for the sake of his military campaign? That was the question on Sandra Marquez’s mind as she approached her complex portrayal of the vengeful Clytemnestra in Aeschylus’ “Agamemnon” at Court Theatre.

‘Angels in America’ at the Court: Viewing AIDS and the yearning heart through a perfect lens

Apr 15, 2012 – 10:58 pm
Angels in America featured image Court Theatre Rob Lindley Mary Beth Fisher credit Michael Brosilow

Tony Kushner’s classic soars. 5 stars!