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Articles tagged with: Michael Kingston

‘Happy’ at Redtwist: Things are going so well, there must be plenty of reasons to be morose

Feb 20, 2014 – 6:28 pm

Review: Happiness. Is it an authentic state of contentment, fulfillment, grace – or merely delusion, self-deception and denial? Playwright Robert Caisely pummels the question in “Happy,” an ironically titled session of group misery directed by Elly Green with stunning acerbity at Redtwist Theatre. ★★★

‘Variations’ at TimeLine: Seeking the solution to Beethoven’s obsession with a trivial waltz

Sep 18, 2012 – 11:56 pm
Daughter and mother - Jessie Fisher as Clara and Brooks as Dr. Brandt – as death approaches. (Lara Goetsch, TimeLine)

Review: ★★★