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Articles tagged with: Mary Zimmerman

Chicago theater mid-season preview, Part 1: What’s in store at Goodman, Northlight, Steep

Jan 16, 2019 – 11:48 pm
Feature 1

Preview: The Chicago theater scene enters its snow-to-blossoms segment with a flurry of highlights that we’ll glimpse in a three-part series of winter-spring previews. In early prospect are Goodman Theatre’s world premiere of Christina Anderson’s “How to Catch Creation,” Ike Holter’s “Red Rex” at Steep and Christina Ham’s “Nina Simone: Four Women” at Northlight.

At the Goodman Theatre, Leonard Bernstein’s musical ‘Wonderful Town’ starts busy season

Aug 24, 2016 – 3:04 pm
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2016-17 SEASON PREVIEW: The following is adapted from a news release submitted by an arts organization to Chicago On the Aisle.

Lauren Molina and Bri Sudia star as two sisters leaving Ohio in 1935 to conquer New York City in Bernstein’s “Wonderful Town.” Here’s the Goodman Theatre’s complete line-up…

Mythology’s ripple effect felt as Lookingglass splashes into season with ‘Metamorphoses’

Oct 21, 2012 – 11:15 pm
Anjali Bhimani as Myrrha and Chris Kipiniak as Cinyras in Metamorphoses by Mary Zimmerman 2012 Lookingglass credit Liz Lauren

Review: ★★★★★

The New Season: Lookingglass will celebrate 25th anniversary with pair of world premieres

Sep 28, 2012 – 4:38 pm
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14th in a series of season previews: In its first 24 seasons, Lookingglass Theatre has brought 58 world premieres to its stage. In observing its 25th anniversary, the company will bring that number to a tidy five dozen – and throw in the Chicago premiere Rajiv Joseph’s “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo” for good measure.