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Articles tagged with: Kamal Angelo Bolden

‘Father Comes Home From Wars’ at Goodman: Adapting Homer (et al.) to epic of moral siege

Jun 18, 2018 – 8:07 pm
Feature 1 Liz Lauren

Review: Hero is strong young slave in the 1860s South who finds himself agonizing over an option: Accept his owner’s proposition to accompany him into the war against the Yankees, in exchange for his subsequent freedom, or remain behind as a slave for the rest of his life. That’s the setup of Suzan-Lori Parks’ epic and very human play “Father Comes Home From the Wars,” now on smart, provocative and impassioned display at Goodman Theatre under the direction of Niegel Smith. ★★★★

‘Man in the Ring’ at Court: Landing 1-2 punch to pound out portrait of a fractured champion

Oct 7, 2016 – 9:55 am

Review: The title of Michael Cristofer’s play “Man in the Ring,” now in its gripping world premiere run at Court Theatre, is double edged. Outwardly, the play is about the meteoric rise and brutal fall of boxer Emile Griffith, among the most dominant champions in pugilistic history. But it’s also, in the most essential way, about the loss of innocence and purity and the unfettered joy of being alive. ★★★★★

‘Detroit ’67’ at Northlight: When the dream turns into nightmare, hope’s song keeps its groove

Dec 6, 2013 – 5:50 pm
'Detroit '67'cast members, from left, Coco Elysses, Kamal Angelo Bolden, Kelvin Roston, Jr., and Tyla Abercrumbie. (Michael Brosilow)

Review: A piece of the American dream. That’s really all the ambitious, optimistic Lank wants for himself and his sister Chelle in Dominique Morisseau’s blistering – and touchingly funny – drama “Detroit ’67,” currently illuminating the stage at Northlight Theatre. ★★★★

Theater 2013-14: Premieres and new vitality energize the intimate stage at A Red Orchid

Oct 19, 2013 – 5:03 pm
'Trevor' poster (A Red Orchid Theatre)

16th in a series of season previews: New faces, new energy, new generation. Kirsten Fitzgerald, artistic director of A Red Orchid Theatre, says the company’s 2013-14 season – consisting of three plays all new to Chicago – reflects the forward-looking spirit of its 21st anniversary on the theme of coming of age.

‘The Misanthrope’ at Court: Rants that rhyme keep laughs coming in crisp, modern Molière

May 30, 2013 – 5:16 pm
Erik Hellman with Grace Gealey in The Misanthrope at Court Theatre credit Michael Brosilow

Review: When Molière’s satiric play “The Misanthrope” first came to the stage in 1666, at the Théâtre du Palais-Royal in Paris, its mockery of society as duplicitous, self-aggrandizing and narcissistic must have had audiences teary-eyed with laughter. Just so is Court Theatre’s deliciously decadent new production LOL stuff. Indeed, director Charles Newell’s imaginative, sharply executed enterprise is simply not to be missed. ★★★★

Role Playing: Kamal Angelo Bolden sharpened dramatic combinations to play ‘The Opponent’

Dec 14, 2012 – 2:19 pm
Kamal Angelo Bolden

Interview: A round of boxing lasts three minutes. That’s about how long it takes Kamal Angelo Bolden, as a spunky young boxer who’s all speed and dreams in Brett Neveu’s “The Opponent,” to redefine the phrase “physical theater.” But Bolden says his knockout performance in the ring at A Red Orchid Theatre was the easy part. The challenge was getting the dreamer right.

Amid roar of dreams and smell of a gym, two fighters match painful jabs in ‘The Opponent’

Nov 7, 2012 – 10:38 am
Guy Van Swearingen (left) as the trainer and Kamala Angelo Bolden as the fighter in Brett Neveu's The  Opponent credit Michael Brosilow

Review: ★★★★

Packed with vivid characters and hard truths, Court’s memorable ‘Jitney’ is worth the fare

Sep 24, 2012 – 1:35 pm
Allen Wilson as Fielding Allen Bilmore as Turnbo AC Smith as Becker and Cedric Young as Doub in August Wilson's Jitney Court Theatre 2012 credit Michael Brosilow

Review: ★★★★★

‘We Are Proud to Present’ a play that crawls before it walks – and then knocks you flat

Apr 10, 2012 – 4:14 pm
We Are Proud featured image Victory Gardens 2012 credit Liz Lauren

A stunner at Victory Gardens. 4 stars!