Articles tagged with: Deborah Staples
‘Merry Wives of Windsor’ at American Players: Shakespeare’s fat Falstaff and some lusty LOL

Review: If the delight of Shakespeare’s “The Merry Wives of Windsor” lies in the sparring between that fat, delusional romantic Sir John Falstaff and a raft of characters determined to rub his nose in reality, this broad comedy ultimately hangs on two hooks, and the rollicking production at American Players Theatre delivers them both at Spring Green, Wis. ★★★★
‘Hamlet’ at American Players Theatre: Agony and wit, and clear view of a timeless tragedy

Review: As summer turns into fall, it’s worth making time to catch Chicago actor Matthew Schwader as that restlessly inquisitive and acid wit, Hamlet, who comes magisterially unhinged in Shakespeare’s masterwork. “Hamlet” is enjoying a gloriously long reign at American Players Theatre in Spring Green, WI. ★★★★★
Unveiling truth in ‘Blonde, Brunette, Redhead’ in more ways than meet the hoodwinked eye

Blood and wigs at Writers’. 4 stars!