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Articles tagged with: Steppenwolf

‘Fundamentals’ at Steppenwolf: Downstairs at posh hotel, no Up button for the service crew

Dec 11, 2016 – 1:59 pm

Review: The time is right for “The Fundamentals,” a sly new play by Erika Sheffer now upstairs at Steppenwolf. With mega-corps in the news for claiming ignorance of malfeasance so widespread it involves thousands of workers — while simultaneously selling the perfume of lofty company ideals — Sheffer zeroes in on the souls who draw the paychecks and suffer the joke. ★★★

‘Constellations’ at Steppenwolf: Of relativity, and the infinite outcomes of boy meets girl

Jun 12, 2016 – 4:32 pm
'Constellations' at Steppenwolf (Michael Brosilow)

Review: Life isn’t like a box of chocolates. It’s more like a roll of the dice, suggests playwright Nick Payne in his touching romance “Constellations,” now on crisp and credible view at Steppenwolf Theatre. In fact, viewed on the space-time continuum, the possibilities of life and love might be as variable as infinite throws of those ivory cubes. ★★★★

Steppenwolf Theatre To Open ‘1700’ Café & Bar & 80-Seat Black Box Theater in Spring 2016

Jan 21, 2016 – 5:21 pm
Steppenwolf '1700' team (Joel Moorman)

News Release: CHICAGO (January 21, 2016) – Steppenwolf Theatre Company announced today the opening of a new café & bar and 80-seat theater in the building at 1700 N Halsted St., which is connected to its existing main lobby. Slated to open in Spring 2016, the café & bar space will be a warm neighborhood hub serving artisanal coffee, espresso and tea by La Colombe by day while gradually moving to traditional bar service for the evening hours.

McCraney’s ‘Head of Passes’ at Steppenwolf: Keeping faith with no shelter from the storm

May 4, 2013 – 6:16 am
Aubrey (Glenn Davis), and Spencer (James T. Alfred) talk with their mother Shelah (Cheryl Lynn Bruce) in "Head of Passes" by Tarell Alvin McCraney directed by Tina Landau Steppenwolf 2013 credit Michael Brosilow

Review: ★★★★