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Articles tagged with: Alexander Dodge

‘Othello’ at Chicago Shakespeare: Evil cedes center stage to a figure tragic and splendid

Mar 24, 2016 – 10:04 pm
Feature 1

Review: What is so striking about the current, altogether marvelous production of “Othello” at Chicago Shakespeare Theater is that the beleaguered Moor is no mere catalyst in the very events of which he is the object, but rather presents himself as a man – a great military general — worthy of his reputation. In the person of James Vincent Meredith’s Othello, and in the care of British director Jonathan Munby, Shakespeare’s play for once does not seem to be first and foremost about Iago. ★★★★★

Chicago Shakespeare Theater texts ‘Caesar,’ modernized and picture-perfectly true to Bard

Feb 15, 2013 – 7:35 pm
David Darlow as Caesar's ghost in Julius Caesar at Chicago Shakespeare 2013 credit Liz Lauren

Review: ★★★★